Lemonade 4Brighter Futures™... at work and your neighborhood!
Lemonade 4 Brighter Futures™
at work and in your neighborhood!
Sign the Lemonade promise (below)!
Make a Fill Heart 4 Kids Lemonade Sign!
Tell your lemonade friends you're selling lemonade to help kids w/out mommies and daddies get school supplies!
Post on FB, Instagram...
Thank you for hosting a
Lemonade Fundraiser
to help FAH4K buy
school supplies for
foster& homeless kids!
Please donate Lemonade Donations online or
Mail Check Donations to:
1 Market Square Court Lake Forest, IL 60045
Fill a Heart 4 Kids Lemonade Promise
We really want to help kids without mommies and daddies!
My family, my office, my group... promises to have a lemonade stand to help raise funds for school supplies for local homeless kids and foster children.
Foster children and homeless youth need to be prepared and ready to learn
on the first day of school so they can have a Brighter Future!
We promise to deliver the lemonade donations to:
In Person at Store: 270 Market Square Lake Forest, IL
Mail to: Fill a Heart 4 Kid, 400 East Illinois Rd., Lake Forest, Il 60045
on or before August 20th.
Child’s Signature:
Parent’s Signature:
2. Company Signature:
3. Group Signature:
Please email your Lemonade Promise to Margiealpert@fillaheart4kids.org
#Lemonade4BrighterFutures - FB, Instagram, Pinterest...